That Which We Are Reading at the Moment
The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russel (1996). I believe I’ve started this book on at least two other occasions; this is the first time I’ve made it halfway. Which is more a knock on my attention span than on the book. Like The Name of the Rose, The Sparrow is a book that takes some work, but the effort is well worth it, at least as far as page 208. I started for the Jesuits in Space. I’m continuing because it is a gorgeously written, time-y-whime-y journey.
Empire State by Adam Christopher (2011). Still reading it, so I will hold my predictions to the end, but so far it is a interesting mashup of a noir detective story, a bit of pulpy science hero and steampunk elements all wrapped up in a strange alternative universe New York City that is a country unto itself and at war with some vague unknown Enemy. Compelling enough, so far, but I wonder if the flavor of the setting/characters will amount to anything or if it is all window dressing.
Dark Horse Comics Presents by Various. Anthology comics are hard, especially when part of the goal of the anthology is publicity for the rest of the books put out by the publisher. But, given the stable of books at Dark Horse (Hellboy, Concrete, a good number of Manga and other media products), this anthology succeeds more often than not. Price is a bit steep (8 bucks), though it is 80 pages and delivers on a good value the majority of the time.
<edited by Luke to add in his reading list>
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