Prediction 8-25-15: Victor Frankenstein
Shiri: I’m… both cautiously optimistic and skeptical. Two most excellent actors, both of whom I have enjoyed in various roles (especially McAvoy. Always McAvoy). An interesting take on both the tale and the Frankenstein/Igor dynamic. Just enough scenery chewing in this short snippet to be tasty but signs (the wig, the evil laughter, the bolts, the need to suspend monster above darkling tower) suggesting the cheese to drama ratio is in danger of ranging anywhere from overwrought to kill me now, kill me now, oh please kill me now. Did I mention Radcliffe’s wig. Yes? I shall mention it again: the wig.
Still, enough to recommend it as potential fun. I would be down for seeing Victor Frankenstein theatre-side, but I’d also be content to wait for streaming. Good likelihood of it entering my eyeholes, just not sure if I’m going to want to stab them with ice picks after the fact.
Luke: A bro-mance with Igor and Victor? Really?
Now the fan boy (Mary Shelly fan boy, in case you were wondering) is offended by this to no end. There is one scene in the whole of Frankenstein that is the defining moment where Victor is left alone on the ship in the artic watching the monster walk alone into the wastes. Victor played God and now has to live with the horror of what he wrought. After he is chewed out by the previously mentioned monster. Yes, in the original the soulless monster is Victor and the being of depth is the monster. You end the book hating Victor and feeling sympathy for the monster. No movie has ever done this scene or the entire idea of the monster well. This movie looks no better.
That being said, if I can contain my nerd rage for a bi, this movie looks pretty good. The actors look like they are having fun. The dialogue is snappy and what is funnier than grave robbing between good friends.
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