Prediction: Ancillary Mercy vs Empire Ascendent
Shiri: Which one will I read first? Ancillary Mercy, no contest. I love Kameron Hurley’s series and I can’t wait for more and if I could read both books simultaneously I would. I, sadly, do not have that power and there’s just something about Breq. My prediction is that both books will be equally good in very different ways though, if you put a blaster to my head, I’d have to say I predict Ancillary Mercy will be my favorite of the two.
Luke: Again, much like our feelings on Crooked, we disagree on this one. After the disappointment (mainly of scope, felt too small for Berq to me) Ancillary Mercy is back-burner for me. I could not put down Mirror Empire and expect to consume this one just as quick. And, I want a long burn on Ancillary Mercy, this being the last one we get for a while. Though, I expect to love them both.
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