Sentenced 3-9-14
Shiri is sentenced by:
I’m going with a concept this week rather than a particular line(s) because hot damn, Marvel, you’re ahead of the social and diversity curves again.
This is the old Ms. Marvel:
This is me. This is my ten foot pole. That would be minimum distance between me and the blonde chick in the bathing suit. Because even if she’s cool, and maybe she is, what am I supposed to do with this image? This image that most definitely isn’t me? The blonde hair, perfect body (that has clearly never been pregnant or gone on a chocolate binge), the complete lack of anything ethnic about her? Of course not. Don’t be absurd, Shiri, this is the American ideal.
And who wears bits that end at her crotch? I mean, really.
This, in vast contrast, is the new Ms. Marvel
Meet Kamala Khan. Awkward teenager. Muslim-American. Keeper of ethnic/religiously based dietary restrictions (have I mentioned I grew up Kosher?) Wants to be something she’s not. Has no idea who she really wants to be. Is trying to break free, trying to be herself and trying, at the same time, to make her family proud.
Has an actual human physiology. Not even close to blonde hair.
I could continue, but you see my point. Female, not-caucasian, imperfect superhero. The kind of protagonist I’ve been bitching for months there aren’t enough of. Can it be? A realistic (okay, fine, superhero stuff aside) female human being who has the opportunity to drive her own story? Her own destiny?
Holy. Fucknuts.
Who’d a thunk it?
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