Captain America: Civil War Concept Art
I’ve been de-spoilering my life of late because, quite frankly, I enjoy the jaw-dropping, child-like wonder that comes upon me while watching the various installments of the MCU (and any sort of suspense in other properties). The whole point of the thing is to lose one’s self in the impossible for a couple of hours, to pretend there are magic, supersuits, gods, and monsters. And snarky vigilantes. Those guys are my favorite, no joke.
This impulse wars with my immediate instinct to click when I see the phrase “concept art.” Because, as a general rule, concept art is even cooler than end-product. Because concept art is the extreme, fantastical, holy crap version of something that needs to be made possible, even within the limits of CGI.
Jeremy Renner “leaked” a couple of things on Twitter yesterday that I’m going to share here because my comic-book/art history loving heat needed to play in the wonderment for a couple of minutes. If you are avoiding any and all spoilers for Civil War, stop here since that piece reveals what are likely to be the team breakdowns (though this has not been confirmed by Marvel). The other is what appears to be a promo/poster shot of Hawkeye’s new uniform and it as aMAZEballs; it is spoiler-y only in that there is someone else with him, indicating the side the second hero intends to choose (probably?).
Okay. Here we go…
(we’re scrolling)
(we’re scrolling)
(keep going)
(trying to give you most of a screen’s worth)
(last chance…)
(okay, I’m bored)
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