WTF Friday: Things I SHOULD Like But Don’t

Shiri Sondheimer

Shiri Sondheimer

Bloginatrix and disembodied voice at The Last Chance Salon ( RN at the Department of Therapeutic Misadventures. Currently at work on Hero Handlers (Spring '15).

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1 Response

  1. Foo says:

    I understand completely. There’s absolutely no reason why Douglas Adams and Neal Stephenson shouldn’t be in my top 5 favorite authors list. …they are incredible and their sensibilities are exactly mine. Yet I feel like I’m being punished every time I try to grind though one of their books.

    Also, one of my biggest problems with the current form of steampunk is that it started out as sci-fi thingies made with Victorian tech. Now, it’s rings with tiny gears engraved on them. Those little things drive me batty. I still love what I think was the first modern* steampunk book. William Gibson’s “The Difference Engine.”

    *Let’s face it, Jules Verne really started all this steampunk shit.

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