Sentenced: 2017.03.26 from Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
He looked over his shoulder, not pausing in his writing at all. “I don’t care,” he said, plainly irritated, “Pick one. The others you should skim in a desultory fashion. Look at the pictures. Smell them if nothing else.”
Master Elodin, from Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss.
I really kind of wanted to be frustrated by this book. It picks up moments after the previous book ended, and continues in exactly the same fashion. This would be frustrating, if the author was not able to spin a story that worked so skillfully and was vastly more entertaining than it was expected to be.
This exchangeb(not just a sentence, so I am breaking the rules of this type of post. But, the whole thing is needed to provide context.) is given while Master Elodin is giving his only class a list of books to read. He goes on to say he has read none of them, but he knew they would hard to find in the library if they were there at all.
There is something hilarious and honest about how Elodin is assigning these books. Who has not taken a class where it feels like the professor has seemingly chosen the reading list at random and is just as surprised as the students when the book is not as expected, either in quality or content. And the professor feels as though he or she had never read the book.
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